[nycphp-talk] Advice on CodeWorks Conference Tracks

lists at lists at
Mon Oct 5 08:03:03 EDT 2009

Nate Abele wrote:
> Hi Bev,
> I spoke in the first 3 cities of the tour, so I can tell you from
> experience that all the talks are great. :-)
> I'm assuming you're coming from a beginner's perspective, so here are my
> suggestions:
> - Security in PHP Projects
> -  Developing DB-Driven Websites
> - Five Things I Wish They'd Told Me (this is probably the best beginner
> / intro talk on the tour)
> - If you feel like you're up to Andrei's Regex Clinic, do that,
> otherwise stick to Security-Centered Design
> - Out With Regex, In With Tokens is a good talk if you're interested in
> development tooling, otherwise check out Alternative Databases
> - Time = Money
> - Webservice Design with AtomPub
> - Stupid Browser Tricks is a look at automated client-side debugging,
> and PECL exploration is a tour through some of the available extensions
> to PHP.  Both are great talks, just depends on where your interest is.
> - Design Patterns in PHP is a beginners' talk as well (and Cal is giving
> it, so it'll definitely be very approachable). Highly recommended for
> beginners.
> Anyway, hope that helps. Be sure to let us know how it goes.

Hi Nate,

Yep, I'm still a beginner. Thanks for the suggestions--they are indeed

Yesterday I ended up going to Security in PHP Projects, then I tried the
Zend Framework tutorial, which quickly went over my head. I ended up
switching over to the Code Review talk after the break (I didn't have
time to check the list Saturday night, so I didn't see you
recommendation). A good deal of that was over my head also, but I
understood the points they were making and the speakers were great. They
were also very patient in addressing my beginner questions/frustrations.

I'll definitely report back on how it goes.


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