[nycphp-talk] developer's machine specs -- recomendations?

Eddie Drapkin oorza2k5 at
Sun Oct 18 20:58:22 EDT 2009

I'd personally spend $400 or $500 of that budget on two nice, large
21" or larger monitors and then build a "budget" PC.  With the
remaining $500 or so, you can put together a decent quad core system:
+ 2 of these:
you'd spend well less than a thousand dollars and have a pretty decent

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Allen Shaw
<allen at> wrote:
> Who here is happy with their current development machine?  Would you care to
> share your hardware specs?
> I'm looking to upgrade my 7-year old desktop for something with a little
> more snap.  Hopefully under $1000, but it's been ages since I shopped
> prices, so clue me in if I'm naive.
> For context: This is for full-time web app development primarily in PHP,
> running some flavor of Linux.  Essentially no graphic design work at all.
>  Desktop or laptop, I'm indifferent.
> For the most part I've been fine with my current setup, but I recently
> started using a framework which, for all I can do to it, takes 10 and 15
> seconds to render a page on this machine. I've finally decided just to throw
> hardware at it.  Page-load times are unnoticeable on my rented hosting
> servers, so I can't really blame the framework.  On this machine, when I'm
> loading pages all day trying "this way" or "that way", those 15-second page
> loads add up pretty fast.
> I'd love to hear any advice on what makes a good web developer's machine.
>  At this point I don't have a lot of places to ask, other than vendors
> who'll just sell me as much as they can con me into.
> Thanks,
> Allen
> --
> Allen Shaw
> "Data Management, Web Applications, and the Meaning of Life"
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