[nycphp-talk] virtualization options...

David Krings ramons at
Sun Oct 18 21:54:52 EDT 2009

Konstantin K wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'd like a free tool that allows me to run a linux virtual machine on my 
> windows laptop so I can do development on it, ftp and ssh to it, and run 
> various services on it like apache and procmail...
> I know these tools (apache and procmail) are available for windows, but 
> I *need* a linux instance on my laptop as a virtual machine....
> Any suggestions for this?
> I went to the VMWare site and couldn't figure out which product I needed 
> - they seem to have 4000 products...Any ideas?

Well, you can use VMWare Server, but unless you have beefy machine it will be 
slow (as anything from VMWare). I use VMWare Server at work and while it is of 
the typical not so great VMWare quality it works for me. You might want to 
take a look as well at VirtualBox. Other than that, Microsoft's VirtualPC is 
another option, but from my experience VPC is at the bottom of the trash can 
when it comes for desktop virtualization.


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