[nycphp-talk] virtualization options...

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Sun Oct 18 23:04:35 EDT 2009

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:54 PM, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:
> Konstantin K wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>>   I'd like a free tool that allows me to run a linux virtual machine on my
>> windows laptop so I can do development on it, ftp and ssh to it, and run
>> various services on it like apache and procmail...
>>  I know these tools (apache and procmail) are available for windows, but I
>> *need* a linux instance on my laptop as a virtual machine....
>>  Any suggestions for this?
>>  I went to the VMWare site and couldn't figure out which product I needed
>> - they seem to have 4000 products...Any ideas?
> Well, you can use VMWare Server, but unless you have beefy machine it will
> be slow (as anything from VMWare). I use VMWare Server at work and while it
> is of the typical not so great VMWare quality it works for me. You might
> want to take a look as well at VirtualBox. Other than that, Microsoft's
> VirtualPC is another option, but from my experience VPC is at the bottom of
> the trash can when it comes for desktop virtualization.

That is not my experience. I have 4-5 Windows and Linux guests running
at the same time in VMWare Server on cheap desktop grade boxes running
Linux. As long as you have a lot of memory (4 GB is good) and you
install VMWare Tools on the Windows guests, VMWare Server performs
just fine.


Michael B Allen
Java Active Directory Integration

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