[nycphp-talk] developer's machine specs -- recomendations?

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Mon Oct 19 16:49:42 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Jake McGraw <jmcgraw1 at> wrote:

> Get the cheapest Intel based, aluminum MacBook with an end-user
> serviceable HD and RAM. Do not buy the white plastic MacBooks, they
> chip and warp like crazy, I've owned 4 (3 companies + 1 for my
> girlfriend) and every single one has warped or chipped in some way.
> Throw in 4GB+ RAM and at least a 7200RPM HD, though you may opt for a
> SSD. Buy an external monitor (24"+) and you're good to go.
4GB RAM? Wow.

My workstation (Dell, Ubuntu) in this office where I am not officially a
programmer has 1GB and you know what? It strains to run Zend Studio and
Firefox at the same time. Groans and moans and lapses into a catatonic
state. I wonder what the real minimum specs are for ZendStudio.
David Mintz

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