[nycphp-talk] Off the shelp CMS w/o the layout?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Oct 23 16:52:36 EDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:57 PM, inforequest <1j0lkq002 at> wrote:
> yes thanks for the link.. put it on my do list after this crushing week is
> over. I prefer to take time to find a nice way to participate, so I don't
> come across as a critical SEO Dbag ;-)

*spacemonkey slaps hand over mouth

Just giving you a hard time John ;-)

Actually I chose to skip my usual Joomla pitch for this specific case,
primarily due to the need to implement a vast assortment of core
output overrides and additional extensions needed for proper META and
so on...

However I am biased, and would always be happy to see yet another
website using Joomla!

-- Mitch

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