[nycphp-talk] Off the shelp CMS w/o the layout?

Kristina Anderson ka at
Mon Oct 26 23:21:20 EDT 2009

> at this point I think you can do 98% of what ever content management 
u need
> to do in wordpress. it's really that well designed.
> with all those free weekends u would be rewarded with, hack objective-
C (i'm
> pretty much blown away with it), code iphone apps and move to maui or
> something like that.
>  :-)

>From your lips to the programming god's ears...although I prefer Cancun 
to Hawaii! :)

Unfortunately while there are easier answers and harder answers to 
solving problems, as many, many a hack has said...if it was that easy, 
everyone would be doing it.  And I've got way more interesting things 
to do with my free weekends than program. 

PS Report from the trenches says, Silverstripe is indeed an overbloated 
PITA, and if the front-end guy can't figure out Cake, he sure as heck 
won't get far with Zend...


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