[nycphp-talk] Bad ISP Problem: Need New Domain Registration, Management and Hosting Service

seth at seth at
Fri Sep 4 15:27:11 EDT 2009

I have about 10 sites with -- and the primary reason i
have expanded my sites with them is their incredibly responsibe support.
they use cPanel for administration that the website owner uses (and it's
quite good). rates are good -- check out their site for a standard intro
special ($49/year). they are associated with a Registrar. my sites are
pretty fast but i never have much action (at least my clients have never



I am totally, 100% pleased with addaction. they're in nyc

On Fri, 4 Sep 2009 12:03:37 -0400, Michael B Allen <ioplex at>
> Hi All,
> I have a problem. I cannot get the ISP I registered my domains with to
> reply to my support requests. Initially they did respond to my request
> and said they would look into the issue. However, I did not receive
> any response since. I have sent numerous emails to them in the past
> week and a half and tried sending new fresh ones without their ticket
> number so that I received their automated acknowledgment with a new
> ticket number (which I did receive so I know I'm not just getting
> filtered). But still I have not heard from them at all. If I call
> their hosting support group I get run around for 3 minutes before the
> robotic woman invariably says "we are unable to take your call right
> now" and hangs up.
> So I'm looking for opinions about ISPs that handle domain
> registration, domain management (basically DNS zone record updating)
> and some hosting (with PHP of course) and how to transfer those
> domains. I actually host my important stuff myself on a virtual
> private server so I am primarily interested in domain registration and
> management. The current ISP has very crude utilities for managing the
> domains, changing DNS and so on. It can be a chore just to login and
> operate their "control panel".
> Can anyone recommend an ISP that has the following:
>  * good responsive support
>  * good, easy to use utility for managing domains, registering new
> ones, adjusting DNS zone info, etc
>  * affordable domain registration
>  * affordable hosting with PHP
>  * free hosting for small static sites
> Has anyone had any experience with transferring domains from one
> company to another? I assume I just get DNS setup with the new ISP as
> far as I can and then get the old ISP to transfer the domains to the
> new ISP. But considing I have had zero contact with the soon-to-be-old
> ISP, I'm wondering how I can actually get this done. It's not like I
> can just tell my credit card company to stop all payments - they
> control my domains.
> Also, if I paid for a domain for say 10 years, do I have to pay full
> price all over again?
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Mike

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