[nycphp-talk] Bad ISP Problem: Need New Domain Registration, Management and Hosting Service

Edward Potter edwardpotter at
Sat Sep 5 14:01:07 EDT 2009

Make life VERY simple. It's not perfect, but it works:

PICK the worlds biggest registrar of names, godaddy. use them.  They will
answer your calls on the spot 24 hours a day. Right from Phoenix, AZ. I have
had zero problems with their tech support. They have been great to me. They
have millions of sites registered with them.

PICK the worlds biggest data center for hosting, hostgator. They will answer
your online help in 30 seconds. I suspect outsourced tech help to  China,
but they know their stuff. Rock solid. These guys host hundreds of thousands
of web sites. They know what they are doing.

No worries, no problems. Life is short. Don't waste a minute with this sh*t.
Just move on to coding, You should have ZERO problems with hosting (or
almost) at this point.  It's not 1995.

Both of these guys are not perfect, but they are number 1.

Dreamhost is ok, but I like LIVE support. Which hostgator has.

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Ben Sgro <ben at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have, and still use, for all my hosting and domains.
> I have a reseller plan w/them, so it is more than you want to pay, but
> their customer support is amazing and you might want to at least take
> a look.
> I've used goDaddy, but I had problems with addresses being blacklisted.
> I also didn't have much success with their customer support (nor did I
> expect to).
> I also used completeHostingSolutions for a few years, but they are *****
> and
> nearly had to enter a legal battle to get my domain's released (along with
> various BBB complaints) -
> I'd advise against them.
> Good luck.
> - Ben
> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Joey Derrico<JoeyD473 at> wrote:
>>> I pretty much agree here. I have always used GoDaddy for Domains and I
>>> have
>>> never had a problem. I used Yahoo once for registering my domain many
>>> years
>>> ago, and it was just a pain in the butt. I have also used GoDaddy for
>>> hosting and have been happy with them and thought there prices were fair.
>>> Though admittedly I never looked around that much for Domain registration
>>> or
>>> Hosting.
>>> Joey
>> We've had problems with GoDaddy hosting recently.
>> One client got email blacklisted because their hosted site shares the
>> same IP address as a big spam operation ( wouldn't even
>> deliver mail sent from other addresses with the organization's URL in
>> it).
>> Another client ended up on the Firefox/Google malware blacklist when
>> their hosted site was compromised. Many other domains on the same box
>> were compromised at the same time.
>> Fast, cheap, secure. Choose two.
>> Chris Snyder
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