[nycphp-talk] Bad ISP Problem: Need New Domain Registration, Management and Hosting Service

Ben Sgro ben at
Sat Sep 5 09:00:50 EDT 2009


I have, and still use, for all my hosting and domains.

I have a reseller plan w/them, so it is more than you want to pay, but
their customer support is amazing and you might want to at least take
a look.

I've used goDaddy, but I had problems with addresses being blacklisted.
I also didn't have much success with their customer support (nor did I 
expect to).

I also used completeHostingSolutions for a few years, but they are ***** 
nearly had to enter a legal battle to get my domain's released (along 
with various BBB complaints) -
I'd advise against them.

Good luck.

- Ben

Chris Snyder wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Joey Derrico<JoeyD473 at> wrote:
>> I pretty much agree here. I have always used GoDaddy for Domains and I have
>> never had a problem. I used Yahoo once for registering my domain many years
>> ago, and it was just a pain in the butt. I have also used GoDaddy for
>> hosting and have been happy with them and thought there prices were fair.
>> Though admittedly I never looked around that much for Domain registration or
>> Hosting.
>> Joey
> We've had problems with GoDaddy hosting recently.
> One client got email blacklisted because their hosted site shares the
> same IP address as a big spam operation ( wouldn't even
> deliver mail sent from other addresses with the organization's URL in
> it).
> Another client ended up on the Firefox/Google malware blacklist when
> their hosted site was compromised. Many other domains on the same box
> were compromised at the same time.
> Fast, cheap, secure. Choose two.
> Chris Snyder
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