[nycphp-talk] Database, table, and column naming schemes

Matt Juszczak matt at
Sat Sep 12 22:02:10 EDT 2009

> 	Part of good db design is to plan way into the future. Your customers 
> may only have one account now, but is it possible in the future they could 
> have 2? These are HUGE decisions that can come back with really big teeth.

Well, this is all in an example.  Even if a customer could have more than 
one accounts, allowing for a many:many, I'd still have the same issue 
figuring out naming schemes.

> 	What is a service?

"Email Hosting", "Web Hosting", etc.  But I'm not designing a billing 
system.  This is just an example.  But I'd have these same questions if I 
was listing something else, like a forum, etc.

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