[nycphp-talk] does Dreamhost suck?

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Sat Sep 19 14:09:34 EDT 2009

David Mintz wrote:
> I have been using Dreamhost because it's cheap and provides what I need 
> and has a really weird and funny newsletter.

with the emphasis on weird ;-)

> However, if you need a custom php.ini, the instructions are found at 
> with a great big 
> disclamer to the effect that if it suddenly breaks, you're on your own. 
> Sure enough, my little php app suddenly broke. Tore my hair out for a 
> while, then finally worked around.

I have had the exact same experience. When you say "worked around," do 
you mean that you couldn't solve the problem? What happened to me was 
that they changed something which meant that the default path to mail 
was no longer good, so I couldn't send mail; but when I finally figured 
that out, I fixed it by setting the path and the issue was over.

> Is the ability to customize your php.ini asking too much of a low-end 
> shared-hosting provider?

uhh, but in fact they did provide that for you (and me), no? They just 
don't provide any support for it.

Michael Southwell
Vice President, Education

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