[nycphp-talk] MAMP or XAMPP ?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Tue Apr 27 11:02:12 EDT 2010

On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, justin wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2010, Justin Hileman wrote:
>> Homebrew is built on git and really simple ruby "recipes".
> Sounds like Portage (the Gentoo Linux package system, which builds
> everything from source using 'ebuild' files that tell the installer how to
> build a package).

It is, in fact, a lot like Portage... From the Homebrew FAQ:

    Q: How about Gentoo Prefix?

    A: Gentoo Prefix seems pretty cool, but it isn’t optimised
specfically for Mac users and it duplicates worse than MacPorts,
including gcc and all that jazz. Otherwise I’d use it.

The initial bootstrap uses gcc that comes with XCode. The reason they then 
duplicate some stuff later is to remove that dependency.


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