[nycphp-talk] design question: user self-registration

Dan Cech dcech at
Tue Aug 31 12:52:10 EDT 2010

On 8/31/2010 12:43 PM, David Mintz wrote:
> I want to provide a self-service user registration, with an email
> verification thing. They submit their data, we email them a link to verify
> that they control the email address they provided, bla bla, then the account
> is enabled. So I thought I would go ahead and do the inserts, marking both
> new records as 'inactive' pending email confirmation.
> In some cases, though, there may already be a row in people corresponding to
> the new user.

In this case would it make sense to let the user know that there is 
already an account and just offer to re-send the verification or 
password reset email (depending on the status of the account)?

Of course that would assume that the account hasn't been disabled for 
some reason, in which case if you have a hard unique constraint on the 
email you're going to have to reactivate the account rather than being 
able to create a "new" account for the user and leave the old account as 


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