[nycphp-talk] design question: user self-registration

David Mintz david at
Tue Aug 31 14:58:54 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Dan Cech <dcech at> wrote:

> On 8/31/2010 12:43 PM, David Mintz wrote:
>> I want to provide a self-service user registration, with an email
>> verification thing. They submit their data, we email them a link to verify
>> that they control the email address they provided, bla bla, then the
>> account
>> is enabled. So I thought I would go ahead and do the inserts, marking both
>> new records as 'inactive' pending email confirmation.
>> In some cases, though, there may already be a row in people corresponding
>> to
>> the new user.
> In this case would it make sense to let the user know that there is already
> an account and just offer to re-send the verification or password reset
> email (depending on the status of the account)?
> Of course that would assume that the account hasn't been disabled for some
> reason, in which case if you have a hard unique constraint on the email
> you're going to have to reactivate the account rather than being able to
> create a "new" account for the user and leave the old account as
> deactivated.

Sorry, I didn't explain clearly enough. There may be cases where there is
already record for the soon-to-be user in the 'people' table, but not the
'users.' See the issue? If I try to insert where the email already exists, I
run into the unique constraint, but then if I say instead 'update ... where
email = $their_email'  before confirming the email, well, that sounds like a
poor idea, basically  allowing anyone to run an update on anyone else's
record in the table.

Not the end of the world, but I am looking for the most graceful solution.

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David Mintz
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