[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE, Hudson, Netbeans

Edward Potter edwardpotter at
Mon Feb 8 13:51:17 EST 2010

this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread or php, BUT i have used
EVERY IDE in existence.  It probably cost Apple 1/2 billion dollars to get
Xcode out the door.  Worth a free DL just to see what the future will look
like. It's just about perfect.

and free!

ok, back to the thread!  :-)

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> Well...after a foray of reviewing IDE's....  I come to the conclusion that
> I STILL loathe Eclipse with a passion.
> IntelliJDEA looks fascinating but I'm not willing to be on the bleading
> edge of their beta work.
> Kiomodo IDE still looks cool and works best for my mindset, but lacks the
> integration I seek for other items and has a weird issue on updating the
> path when opening remote files.
> UltraEdit's product is still windows only[though they have a linux editor]
> so it is out of the running.
> Netbeans is looking more and more interesting.  Integrating it with their
> other product, Kenai makes for some cool project management functionality.
>  It also integrates to Hudson so I can give a continuous build system a
> stab.
> Now there is just one thing I would like to do, I'd like to be able to
> maintain a list of files somewhere[for example, in a bug issue ticket] and
> have some way of automatically opening all those files at once.
> So, 2 questions:
> 1) Anyone else using netbeans and if so, what do you think?  Especially if
> your also using hudson and integrating the whole thing.
> 2) Anyone using netbeans that knows a simple way to open multiple files at
> once if I've but all the filenames in a text field that I can cut and paste
> from?
> -- Gary
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