[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE, Hudson, Netbeans

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Feb 9 08:03:14 EST 2010

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Rolan Yang <rolan at> wrote:

> Gary Mort wrote:
>> Well...after a foray of reviewing IDE's....  I come to the conclusion that
>> I STILL loathe Eclipse with a passion.
>> ..
> I've been using jEdit ever since Jayesh Seth made the recommendation a few
> years ago.
> It has the support of many useful plugins such as the php parser, project
> viewer/manager, svn, ftp/ssh/sftp editing, and much more.
Hmm..  jEdit looks interesting.   I really like the bookmark plugin as that
is something I was looking for - especially with the ability to export that
to XML, so one could bookmark every file one touches for a bug, export that
set of bookmarks, and attach it to the issue tracker in case you have to go
back and make more changes.
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