[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE, Hudson, Netbeans

Michael Johnson mike at
Tue Feb 9 14:15:07 EST 2010

On 02/09/2010 08:03 AM, Gary Mort wrote:
> Hmm..  jEdit looks interesting.   I really like the bookmark plugin as 
> that is something I was looking for - especially with the ability to 
> export that to XML, so one could bookmark every file one touches for a 
> bug, export that set of bookmarks, and attach it to the issue tracker 
> in case you have to go back and make more changes.

I used jEdit exclusively for about four years. Most of its plugins are 
the extremely useful (the remote file explorer is second to none in my 
opinion.) I ultimately switched to Komodo Edit because of the "Code 
Intelligence" and clean interface. Just my two cents.


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