[nycphp-talk] Web 2.0 "how to talk like you know something" presentation

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Feb 26 22:42:34 EST 2010

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Donna Marie Vincent
<donnamarievincent at> wrote:
> True story:  I have a colleague who bid on a project and was expected to be
> the winning bid.  However, another bidder used the phrase "Web 2.0" in their
> proposal and for that reason alone the project was awarded to the other
> bidder!

Crap, all my default bids will need to be updated. Paradigm Shift,
Disruptive Technology, Web2.0, 360 Degree View of the Customer, all my
favorites are gone.

Seriously though, what phrases are the current climate seeing tumble
from "wired" to "tired"?

-- Mitch, thinking buzzword bingo needs an update

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