[nycphp-talk] Web 2.0 "how to talk like you know something" presentation

Edward Potter edwardpotter at
Sat Feb 27 09:28:21 EST 2010

Web 2.0?  OMG, I've been using Web 3.0 for a year now in my pitches.   
Sprinkle in 'The Network Effect and the new Semantic features that  
embodies' and you're back in the game.

And of course: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube viral marketing across the  
mobile always on connected landscape   ---  OMG that's so January  
2010.  ;-)

Just repeat: iPad, iPad, iPad.   Now we're talking.  Gets them  
everytime. ;-)

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 26, 2010, at 10:42 PM, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at>  

> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Donna Marie Vincent
> <donnamarievincent at> wrote:
>> True story:  I have a colleague who bid on a project and was  
>> expected to be
>> the winning bid.  However, another bidder used the phrase "Web 2.0"  
>> in their
>> proposal and for that reason alone the project was awarded to the  
>> other
>> bidder!
> Crap, all my default bids will need to be updated. Paradigm Shift,
> Disruptive Technology, Web2.0, 360 Degree View of the Customer, all my
> favorites are gone.
> Seriously though, what phrases are the current climate seeing tumble
> from "wired" to "tired"?
> -- Mitch, thinking buzzword bingo needs an update
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