[nycphp-talk] RDBMS Applications with Good User and Group Management?

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Sat Feb 27 12:54:25 EST 2010

Hi All,

I need an RDBMS application that has a decent UI for managing users
and groups to demo a generic security API I'm working on. I was
thinking about Joomla maybe but I'm interested in other suggestions.
It doesn't even have to be PHP or Linux but preferably it should be
something Free that everyone will have access to and preferably
something either very popular or very small.

More specifically, I'm working on a security API that handles client
and server authentication, creating, updating and deleting accounts
and groups, manipulating group membership, checking group membership,
setting and changing passwords, and so on. I have various
implementations of this API for protocols like Kerberos and LDAP and
now I would like to create an example implementation that uses a
traditional relational database like Oracle or MySQL. But rather than
create an entirely custom database, I thought I would just use an
existing application that installs it's own database and includes a UI
for user and group management.

So can anyone suggest a preferably small, popular, Free RDBMS
application with a good UI for CRUD operations on accounts and groups?


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