[nycphp-talk] define variables versus assigned variables

Konstantin K kkrutoi at
Sun Jan 3 00:22:50 EST 2010

1. Your defined constants should be all CAPITALIZED.
2. I ran some tests earlier last year (2009) for this and found the following:
    - using class constants (and accessing it via
ClassName::ConstantName) was about 30x faster than using define().
    - there were about 1000 constants used (it's a pretty big and
configurable app).
    - the tests were run using ab (with the top 10% and bottom 10%
edge results thrown out)
    - the tests were run with apc and without apc.

Will it make or break your app when it's under stress?  Definitely not.


On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 12:02 AM,  <webmaster at> wrote:
> Hello ,
>        Happy New Year to all,
>  I have two statements to make a database connection. One of them
>  using define statement variables to parse the information to the
>  function to connect to the database, i.e.
>  open_connect(db_user, db_pass, db_name, db_host = 'localhost', $show_error=1)
>  The second example uses assigned variables, for example,
>  open_connect($db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_host = 'localhost', $show_error=1)
>  Seems to me that both of these techniques do the same thing so I was
>  wondering why one would be any advantage over the other, though I
>  just read that the define variables take twice as long to process
>  under some conditions. Can some one explain which technique is the
>  preferred method or whether or not any compelling reason exist for
>  using one over the other?
>  Thanks in advanced for any comments.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Webmaster                          mailto:webmaster at
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