[nycphp-talk] email system for website

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Sun Jan 3 17:30:15 EST 2010

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Matt Juszczak <matt at> wrote:
>> This is a good suggestion, I'd also recommend logging the email text
>> (database or text log) and putting some kind of sanity check on the
>> number of emails your app is sending out at any time.
> What you are both suggesting makes sense, but correct me if I'm wrong, it
> duplicates email functionality.  Our front ends are programmed in two
> different languages (forgot to mention that), so if I keep the active emails
> in the front end web code, I have to write the code twice, plus I have to
> code backend functionality to allow passive emails to go out (an example of
> a passive email: someone posts a reply to a thread, and I want to alert all
> of the users who are subscribed to that thread that there's a new message -
> too much to put in the code I would think, as there could be 1000's of
> subscribers).

My suggestion for you is to use something simple for the "front end"
web application logic, so when you need to fire off an immediate email
after a successful action just use a wrapper for mail(). When you need
to fire off 1000s of emails, use a system specifically built for that

- jake

> -matt
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