[nycphp-talk] IIS 7, trigger_error, and Large File Uploads

David Krings ramons at
Mon Jan 4 10:34:20 EST 2010

On 1/4/2010 10:02 AM, Justin Dearing wrote:
> For talking to MS SQL server, as Hans is, (which IMHO is superior to
> MySQL and Postgres for performance, but not postgres for features) it
> makes sense to use windows. While apache runs on windows easy enough,
> IIS "just works" on windows.

Well, my experience is exactly opposite. After enabling IIS on Windows the 
first thing usually is that nothing works. And if it works the 'nothing works' 
state will come soon for no reason. Aside from that, tests showed that the 
AMPP stack has the best performance on Windows. While I understand the reasons 
for choosing MSSQL (although there are plenty of huge users running MySQL) 
there really is no good reason I know of to pick IIS....unless it is a 
Microsoft only shop where best of breed is irrelevant unless it is from 
Microsoft. I just think that IIS is a cruddy product. Difficult to configure, 
flaky when running, and a dismal performer.

Sorry for digressing from the actual issue.


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