[nycphp-talk] IIS 7, trigger_error, and Large File Uploads

Marcin Suterski m.suterski at
Mon Jan 4 11:51:14 EST 2010

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote:

> Saw this one, too - somehow my control panel doesn't look like this guy's.
> But, as far as I can tell, the FastCGI timeout is set to 600 seconds, which
> is far greater than the roughly 60 second timeout I'm seeing.  Now I
> wouldn't bet the farm that that timeout is actually the one he's referring
> to, or that it's active for my "site", but I'm not able to troubleshoot
> things under IIS that well (yet).

In FastCGI settings in IIS7 there are about 3 different timeouts
(ActivityTimeout, IdleTimeout, RequestTimeout). Did you play with all

If the PHP process takes more than ActivityTimeout or IdleTimeout (and
they are smaller than RequestTimeout) and is not communicating back to
IIS during that time, your request will expire before RequestTimeout.

> H

Have a happy new year,

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