[nycphp-talk] Code Reviews

Peter Becker peterbsemail at
Tue Jan 5 13:45:35 EST 2010

Tom - Thanks for the clarification and not seen as argumentative (at 
least by me).

Tom Melendez wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>> We do have a style guide, defined and documented directory structure and
>> naming convention.  My objective(s) in the review is to ensure that
>> conventions are being maintained (easy to get lax in and nothing that would
>> ever show up in testing), and that coders (and testers) stay at least
>> familiar with the other coders work (should back filling be required).
> Just in case it wasn't clear in my earlier response and for those who
> aren't aware - you can build this stuff into codesniffer.  We do this
> kind of thing for everything from tabs and curly brace placement to
> variable name case to input validation functions and the precise code
> we want used to see if a particular type of object is valid.  You can
> then generate a checkstyle reports and you now have a metric to
> monitor, rather than a bunch of people in a room looking at a screen
> saying "that's not how we instantiate those objects" or whatever.  You
> now have something (reusable) there to actually enforce it.
> And if you're not already, you can then spend that time on
> architecture/design sessions.  The bigger flaw to fix is when it is
> wrong inherently by design.  Design sessions and design reviews are
> when you want everyone around as that can't (easily) be represented in
> codesniffer analysis.
> Finally, as your process becomes more refined you can get into code
> generation, although ideally, through your design/review sessions
> you've abstracted so much that you really don't need to write much new
> code anymore to add new features.  And by then, it will be time to
> rewrite the application again. :-)
> Not trying to be argumentative, just want to make sure you don't end
> up with bunch of people in a room for 3 hours and the end result
> being, "Yes, Jones will change all of his tabs to spaces".  Those
> meetings suck for everyone involved.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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