[nycphp-talk] Microsoft won’t tell Zend how to build PHP on Windows

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Sun Jan 17 18:39:23 EST 2010


A few reactions:

   1. I have responded to him with some questions and I am awaiting his
   2. It seems that zend and the PHP community are not one and the same. I
   did not know this and I consider that bad journalism on my part.
   3. I do want to update the article. I also want to make sure I get the
   facts right.

His comment might have preceded my email. I did not see it before sending
the email.

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Allen Shaw <allen at
> wrote:

> Justin Dearing wrote:
>> I wrote the details about it on my blog:
> Hi Justin,
> In the interest of continuing this conversation, I reference Zeev's comment
> on your blog post, in which he says, "The title (and some of the contents)
> is actually quite misleading as this whole incident has nothing to do with
> Zend, Microsoft or the relationship between the two companies. ... For the
> record, Zend builds PHP on Windows (as does on a regular basis."
> I suppose, depending on timezones, his comment may have been made after you
> sent your email.  But I'm curious to hear what you make of it.
> - A.
> --
> Allen Shaw
> "Data Management, Web Applications, and the Meaning of Life"
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