[nycphp-talk] Inspiration for projects.

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Wed Jan 20 15:16:10 EST 2010

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Anthony Wlodarski <ant92083 at> wrote:
> I have a large amount of free time on my hand and was sitting around the
> house trying to come up with an idea for a piece of software that people
> would actually use.  Unfortunately the blank canvas that is my mind is still
> blank.  I guess it would be called "coders block" akin to writers block.
> How do you counter measure this?  I have been trying to think of a unique
> cool idea for about four hours now and have not come up with anything.
> Another alternative to using my free time is to work on an open source
> project but nothing seems stimulating/interesting right now.
> -Anthony

How about a phpMyAdmin clone for MongoDB?

Chris Snyder

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