[nycphp-talk] Plagiarism Checker in PHP

Mutaz Musa mutazmusa at
Sun May 2 14:42:05 EDT 2010

Also, sorry for the double post but check out

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Mutaz Musa <mutazmusa at> wrote:

> Actually, a website where students turn in schoolwork, checks
> for plagiarism and from what I understand does a pretty good job. They
> compare both student-to-student and student-to-literature. I'm not sure how
> they pull it off, probably a proprietary algorithm that tries to match
> student submissions against their database of content where no match = no
> plagiarism.  It seems like a mammoth task though. actually
> crawls academic journals, books, etc. to populate their database.
> If you're interested only in comparing submissions to your site against one
> another that may be more manageable. If on the other hand you want to
> compare against online/print content in general then that will prove a real
> challenge. Finally, if you have the money maybe you can register with
> - although my impression is that their primarily for
> universities/colleges.
> Best,
> Mutaz
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote:
>> > Hi Friends,
>> Hi,
>> > I am developing blogger website using PHP & MySQL. And, I would like
>> > add the feature of Plagiarism Checker.
>> >
>> > If any one posted an article in my website, that article must be unique
>> > and original.
>> >
>> > Could you please tell / suggest me how to develop Plagiarism Checker
>> > feature or send some useful articles / free APIs and so on.
>> Hmm, I think there is a recursion problem here - if we tell you, then
>> you'd
>> be plagiarizing our solution :)
>> > Expecting your positive reply ......
>> Seriously though, unless I'm missing something, I can't see how this would
>> be possible.  I suppose you could use techniques such as comparing the
>> number of similar words between articles, but that's not really exact, and
>> likely to have incorrect results.  Plus, you're looking to do this
>> plagiarism check across the whole Internet?
>> Even humans, who read different articles, have a hard time determining if
>> something is actually plagiarized or not - I think doing it automatically
>> is
>> nearly impossible.
>> H
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