[nycphp-talk] Github for Mercurial?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu May 27 19:20:55 EDT 2010

Anyone know of a website like Github for Mercurial?

Specifically with the easy ability to not only clone/fork a project, but
merge them back together and show them all.

For example, is great in that
I can use the network tab to see who else is hacking on this code.  If the
main repo is stagnant for 6 months, I can find someone who has made other
updates.  Branches can be merged together to take bug fixes from multiple
people.  You can watch the network and see latest activity.


Personally, Github by itself is reason enough to choose Git except trying to
get it functional on windows is such a pain that I'm inclined to go with
Mercurial instead.
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