[nycphp-talk] Github for Mercurial?

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Thu May 27 19:23:39 EDT 2010

Take a look at


On 5/27/10, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
> Anyone know of a website like Github for Mercurial?
> Specifically with the easy ability to not only clone/fork a project, but
> merge them back together and show them all.
> For example, is great in that
> I can use the network tab to see who else is hacking on this code.  If the
> main repo is stagnant for 6 months, I can find someone who has made other
> updates.  Branches can be merged together to take bug fixes from multiple
> people.  You can watch the network and see latest activity.
> Etc.
> Personally, Github by itself is reason enough to choose Git except trying to
> get it functional on windows is such a pain that I'm inclined to go with
> Mercurial instead.

Sent from my mobile device

Brian O'Connor

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