[nycphp-talk] Amazon's new Free Tier

Matt Juszczak matt at
Tue Nov 16 16:08:08 EST 2010

For those open to other solutions, I highly highly recommend Rackspace 
Cloud over EC2.  But just my personal opinion.


On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Paul A Houle wrote:

> On 11/16/2010 1:58 PM, Gary Mort wrote:
>> FYI, as a birthday gift to me[my birthday was October 20th and they 
>> announced it on the 21st, clearly geared towards me!], Amazon has 
>> introduced a new "free" pricing tier.
>    I'm mad because I've got an existing AWS account (I use S3 and Mturk 
> heavily) and I don't get the free offer.  Still,  I'm thinking of moving my 
> infrastructure to AWS.  For a long time I've had one big server that I put 
> everything on but lately I've had a mysql database get huge,  I'm having 
> problems w/ memory pressure and on top of that from time to time I run 
> massive batch jobs that hose my websites.  The ability to easily provision a 
> cluster of machines on AWS looks awesome and I'm going to do development for 
> next mini-project on them.
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