[nycphp-talk] 3rd Part or Cloud Hosting for SWF Files

Randal Rust randalrust at
Wed Sep 22 13:53:47 EDT 2010

We have a client that uses a Flash component called Zoomify [1] to
display hi-res images on their website. This has become cumbersome
because they now have almost 700 of these things running on the site
(which we are still developing).

One concern is that when we open this up to the public these things
are going to bring the server down -- some of them are as large as
20MB. I already see a slow response time during testing. I haven't run
any scripts, I can see how slowly the tiles render.

Right now, the client uploads the Zip file with the images and
configuration file to the server and then we use PHP Zip extension to
open and unpack the file.

Ultimately, I'd love to be able to offload these things to a
third-party, like we are doing with the videos (YouTube, Vimeo) and
then just put the embed code into our database. The problem is that
these Zoomify files run off an XML configuration file and I haven't
been able to find anything that would support the structure. Perhaps I
am not searching on the right terminology though. Does anyone have any


Randal Rust
R.Squared Communications

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