[nycphp-talk] 3rd Part or Cloud Hosting for SWF Files

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Wed Sep 22 14:19:41 EDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Randal Rust <randalrust at> wrote:

> One concern is that when we open this up to the public these things
> are going to bring the server down -- some of them are as large as
> 20MB. I already see a slow response time during testing. I haven't run
> any scripts, I can see how slowly the tiles render.

For static files like this, pushing them off to Amazon S3 works really
well. You can either serve them straight from S3, or if you need even
better response, use CloudFront to push the data out to the edges of
the network.

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