[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

Edgar Reyes ereyes at
Sat Apr 2 12:35:11 EDT 2011

Hi Kristina, 

No, no assumptions, I sure you are a good programmer, but every one I speak
to that are PHP programmers specially with as much experience as you have
are charging a lot more then $50 an hour lol.. Don't you think that after 13
years you have earned a raise? 

Than again I really charge more based on a project not so much per hour, but
when I do have to come back for what ever time to fix things or small
updates my rates start at $75 per hour. Heck if the geeksquad can charge
69.99 to set up a pc and $49.99 to set up an email account why would I
charge less than that lol .

Bottom line whether is selling your services or anything else it's only
worth as much as people are willing to pay for it. but in my opinion you
should not short change your worth, like I tell my soon to be clients and my
current clients, I may not be the least expensive but you get what you pay
for, and I can show clients how a lot of the work that I've have done has
paid for it self 10 fold if not more, so it's worth the investment and some
of them don't hire me at that time but do call me back to fix the mess some
one else makes and then I get to charge them more cause now I have to spend
time figuring out the mess that some one else made.


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Kristina Anderson
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:20 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?


I've been a programmer in NYC for almost 13 years (maybe you assumed 
otherwise because of my gender), I started out in 1998 making $50 an 
hour, and I'm still making $50 an hour, and everyone else I know who is 
a PHP programmer in NYC is making between $45-55 an hour as well (over 
20 other people that I personally know and have worked with).

It's great to talk about what "should be" or what "could be" but the 
reality is, $50 an hour.


On 4/2/2011 11:20 AM, Edgar Reyes wrote:
> I think we are talking about 2 different things here, one is programming
> the other is designing, Krista programmers in NYC make a lot more then $50
> per hour, depending on your skill set and what language you program in.
> design work yes $50 per hour is about right for simple design work and
> that is in the lower end, and that can vary depending on the sort of
> if it involves some sort of specialize CSS and or flash etc. then it goes
> up.
> ER

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