[nycphp-talk] Usernames with whitespace

Anthony Wlodarski anthony at
Mon Aug 1 08:43:06 EDT 2011

If you were to allow spaces in the user name I would force them all to 
lower case (avoid duplicates if properly spaced).  However collapsing 
spaces is an idea I would not even entertain to use.  "John  Foobar" vs. 
"John Foobar" is something that is always prone to errors if a user has 
to input their name into a text field.  You could also break the input 
elements into a first name and last name fields.  When you go to display 
that information then you can properly insert the spaces.

On 07/30/2011 06:48 PM, Mutaz Musa wrote:
> Hi folks,
> What are your thoughts on allowing usernames with spaces, e.g. "john
> smith". They're often disallowed and I was wondering on your thoughts
> as to why that might be.
> One reason I can think of is to avoid confusingly similar usernames,
> e.g. "john smith" and "john  smith" (2 spaces)
> In those cases wouldn't collapsing multiple spaces into a single space
> be a more conservative solution than disallowing the character
> entirely?
> Mutaz
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