[nycphp-talk] Running PHP On IIS Express

bruce amick bruce.amick at
Thu Aug 18 22:42:01 EDT 2011

I'm developing an enterprise PHP application that runs on IIS and MS SQL
Server.  Development is on a XP box using IIS 5.1 (not my ideal choice, but,
that's what I given to work with onsite).

We write our application code in Netbeans 7.0 which wonderfully supports PHP
5.3 + javascript, HTML and SQL.  And it's free.  And you can configure
Netbeans to work with several different version control solutions, too.

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Rukbat <rukbat at> wrote:

> I've been running PHP on an Apache server on a Win2k box for years.  I
> wouldn't use Visual Studio to write PHP code, though - that's like killing
> flies with a cannon.  Notepad's a little too light, but Notepad++ or, the
> one I use, Edit Plus, are more than enough for web development.
> Of course I come from the days when "backup your work" and "remember what
> you wrote" meant the same thing.
> On 8/18/2011 4:06 PM, Justin Dearing wrote:
>> Not sure if there are any other PHP on windows guys out there
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