[nycphp-talk] Running PHP On IIS Express

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Fri Aug 19 05:27:18 EDT 2011

At home I mostly do .NET OSS coding, and at work we have an MSDN
subscription, so Visual Studio is a sunk cost or already paid for. I also
have a tendency to do polygot programming where I have WCF services doing
data access, and returning business object. My php code make soap calls and
my javascript makes json calls to these services and takes care of the front
end. I love C#, WCF, and Smarty, but hate ASP.NET webforms.

I've done the eclipse thing and toyed with netbeans, but desktop java apps
annoy me for some reason. Notepad++ is cool used it at an old job. For
editing PHP I use Visual Studio, gvim, vim or the editor in FAR (

My php/.NET combination projects are the ones where being able to test on
IIS Express is the big deal to me. However, I actually discovered this
yesterday helping a coworker out. Also, the real interesting thing is
Microsoft WebMatrix support PHP and .NET out of the box.

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:42 PM, bruce amick <bruce.amick at> wrote:

> I'm developing an enterprise PHP application that runs on IIS and MS SQL
> Server.  Development is on a XP box using IIS 5.1 (not my ideal choice, but,
> that's what I given to work with onsite).
> We write our application code in Netbeans 7.0 which wonderfully supports
> PHP 5.3 + javascript, HTML and SQL.  And it's free.  And you can configure
> Netbeans to work with several different version control solutions, too.
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Rukbat <rukbat at> wrote:
>> I've been running PHP on an Apache server on a Win2k box for years.  I
>> wouldn't use Visual Studio to write PHP code, though - that's like killing
>> flies with a cannon.  Notepad's a little too light, but Notepad++ or, the
>> one I use, Edit Plus, are more than enough for web development.
>> Of course I come from the days when "backup your work" and "remember what
>> you wrote" meant the same thing.
>> On 8/18/2011 4:06 PM, Justin Dearing wrote:
>>> Not sure if there are any other PHP on windows guys out there
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