[nycphp-talk] Book recommendation for JS/AJAX?

Aaron Fischer afischer at
Mon Jul 11 12:28:21 EDT 2011

Looks great, thanks, just ordered the 6th edition.  Can't wait for it to arrive!

>>> Anthony Wlodarski <anthony at> 7/7/2011 11:30 AM >>>
JavaScript The Definitive Guide:

This is the only book I would trust.  It covers jQuery as well in the later chapters (6th edition only).  On top of that it is an excellent resource to read if you are delving into Node.js and want to learn more about closures, callback functions, and real inner workings of EMCA script and how it applies to client side as well as server programming.


On 07/07/2011 10:39 AM, Aaron Fischer wrote: 

Hey guys,
I'd like to spruce up my html/php pages with more dynamic elements and JS/AJAX/JQUERY/JSON type stuff.  My stuff has been mostly html and php to date, only played with javascript a little.  However, I see value in adding more dynamic elements to my pages (showing/hiding div content, calls to php from the page without reloading, etc.).
I'm looking for a book that will cover the basics and get me up and running, but also has room to grow and get into more intermediate/advanced stuff.
Any thoughts or recommendations would be most appreciated.
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Anthony Wlodarski
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