[nycphp-talk] The user table

Paul A Houle paul at
Mon Mar 7 14:28:45 EST 2011

  On 3/6/2011 10:26 PM, Matt Juszczak wrote:
> Yes, but most nosql databases aren't designed for durability or 
> reliable persistence.  Remember -- one can always use MySQL as a 
> "noSQL" DB by simply de-normalizing, or applying the "schemaless" patch.
     I've had a serious eye on mongodb,  but I'd say that schemaless 
operation has its advantages and disadvantages.  Proper organization of 
data in a schema can improve performance by a factor of 100 or so vs 
something that's disorganized.  Even if I did use mongodb for the use 
I'm considering it for,  I'd be adding a layer that imposes some 
structure on top of it.

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