[nycphp-talk] Embedded Followup

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Nov 9 10:16:33 EST 2011

Erg, as a followup, in case someone doesn't want to take the time to 
work through those links:

Raspberry Pi: proposed pricing will be 25/35
25$ model: 128MiB memory, 1x USB 2.0, 1xHDMI
35$ model: 256MiB, 2x USB 2.0, Ethernet, 1xHDMI
Processor will be the same ARM SoC used in the Roku 2

Beaglebone: proposed pricing is $90
MicroSD, 1xEthernet, 2xUSB, 512MB, Arm SoC from Texas Instruments

Note: neither will have wifi or bluetooth onboard...sadly while it is 
extremely cheap to include it parts wise[under 5$ to stick either on 
board] - anything which transmits signals over the air needs to go 
through extra expensive FCC hurdles.

The TI Chronos Watch runs on an MSP430 chip and there isn't any way I 
can see to shoehorn in a PHP stack.. however the Metawatch may be able 200$ I'm not planning on 
playing with it for a while.

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