[nycphp-talk] Embedded Followup

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Nov 9 11:08:07 EST 2011

On 11/9/2011 10:58 AM, Ap | Alsjeblaft! wrote:
> How about a plug computer like the Guruplug Server 
> ( 
> or TonidoPlug2 ( They're about $120, but 
> have somewhat better specs. I've been thinking about turning one of 
> these into my own ultraportable localhosts for a while now.

$50 is my upper limit on cost, as my eventual goal is to create an open 
source hardware/software platform for a toy for my 3 year old.

I'm considering making an exception on the BeagleBone purely to get a 
dev platform NOW, then port later to increasingly smaller platforms[ie 
BeagleBone to RaspberryPi, and then if possible even smaller.

After the toy project, my next goal is  pushing down to the "web server 
on a business card" space. 
TI's new ARM System on a Chip running under 10$, it SHOULD be possible 
to get it down to under 20$ for a business card running a web server and 
PHP...  To go below the $10 mark will probably require pushing into an 
even smaller chip.

I don't actually think it will be possible to "run php" at that level, 
but it may be possible to use a tool like HipHop to convert PHP code to 
C code that can compile and run on the business card.

And if not, well, this is all just for fun anyway. :-)
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