[nycphp-talk] Current PHP developer rates

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Thu Nov 17 15:22:45 EST 2011

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Rob Marscher <rmarscher at>wrote:

>  I.e. I could charge $40/hr but take 3 times as long as the person
> charging $80/hr.
And more importantly, you'd have an incentive to do so.

A flat rate is a win for both sides. The programmer can do what needs to be
done without obsessively tracking time, and the employer has a known cost
that can be submitted to management and accounting.

A talented programmer might be able to do a $10,000 job in a few hours. So
be it. You'd actually rather pay that person $2,000 per hour and have it
done tomorrow than hire some hack at $40/hr and have it take six weeks.
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