[nycphp-talk] Learning to program the right way

David Krings ramons at
Tue Jan 24 13:52:23 EST 2012

On 1/24/2012 12:23 PM, Christopher R. Merlo wrote:
> Justin is, as usual, correct about all of this.  But as someone who's been
> involved in CS curriculum design at the associates level for going on 12 years
> now, the problem -- at least for us at the community college level -- is that
> we can only make our students take 66 credits, of physics and music and
> English and all the other stuff, along with CS and math.  I would love to
> offer our CS students a course on these software engineering topics, like
> source control and unit tests and how to do a code review, but not at the
> expense of assembly or linear algebra, and SUNY won't let us do it at the
> expense of sociology or art.  (That's not a complaint; I think the curriculum
> *should* be well-rounded.  We just don't have space.)
> -c


Having received my BS degree not at a US university I never understood why 
students at a college or university have to take music and English classes 
when they are going for a CS degree. I can see math and to some extent physics 
as in learning about the effects in semiconductors and nanotechnology, but 
debating Debussy and reading "The Great Gatsby" for the nth time...why? The 
well-rounded part is something students should get (should have gotten) in 
high school.
That is exactly the reason why companies rather ship in folks from overseas.
Sorry, this is digressing from the original topic...


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