[nycphp-talk] PHP App Store

federico ulfo rainelemental at
Fri Jul 6 22:13:05 EDT 2012

Ups, I just realized that the modx_sendfile is a solution for the
repository, not for the CMS installations, so yeah it does make sense
using it! Thanks again for the suggestion Daniel,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Daniel Convissor
<danielc at> wrote:

> Hi Federico:
>> is more similar to the modules repository of Wordpress.
> That's fine.  To be clear, I was not comparing your project to PEAR.  It
> seems you may have interpreted it this way.  I was saying you might want
> to use PEAR's client and server interfaces/software for your system.  I
> hear the Pyrus stuff is pretty good.
>> I've already implemented the download with Curl and it works well, so
>> should I still consider mod_xsendfile?
> You're serving up raw binary files from the file system.  Yes.
>> And another question, is zlib the
>> best and most compatible solution to compress files?
> Yeah.
> --Dan
> --
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