[nycphp-talk] PHP App Store

justin justin at
Mon Jul 9 13:29:23 EDT 2012

For maximum compatibility, you should build it around

That project is poised to be the rubygems of PHP, so that would give
you access to all the components the Zend / Symfony / Every Other
Framework people are cooking up, plus you could host your own composer
repo for your CMS's packages.

Let someone else worry about the downloader :)


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Federico Ulfo <rainelemental at> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm developing an app store for a CMS to download modules, plugins and
> themes and keep them updated automatically.
> Each module, plugin or theme are compressed into a zip file.
> The CMS can connect to the app store and download one module with an API
> call. I was thinking to use file_get_contents, but may be Curl is more
> appropriate, because I'd like to have the download progress and may be one
> single login for multiple downloads.
> Do you have any suggestion or better solutions?
> Thanks,
> Federico
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