[nycphp-talk] Which deployment apps are you using?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Jun 20 16:10:45 EDT 2012


On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 05:41:47PM -0400, Daniel Convissor wrote:
> Though I'm now planning out a
> deployment system using git post-update hook scripts.  Use your favorite
> search engine to read more about it.  Once I have my ideas sorted out
> and working, I'll post them.

I'm excited to have worked out a system of Git hooks and associated
scripts that work pretty well.  Please check them out (no pun intended)
and let me know what you think.

I have some additional stuff for pushing and pulling WordPress
sites in particular, though handy for database driven sites in general,
which I hope to make public in the near future.



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            data intensive web and database programming
        4015 7th Ave #4, Brooklyn NY 11232  v: 718-854-0335

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