[nycphp-talk] How To Make "php" show up as "somefile" when running the top command...

Darryle Steplight dsteplight at
Thu Jun 21 16:59:27 EDT 2012


Using  the "ps" command allows me to see "php filename.php" but top
wouldn't allow me to see the filename, this is what sparked me to
think about changing "php" to something more specific.  I don't know
why I didn't try "ps"  at first.

A little birdy told me that  symlinking to the PHP binary will allow
you to change "php" to whatever you use in your symlink. Makes sense
to me, but using ps will suffice for now.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Hans Zaunere <bulk at> wrote:
>>     When I run any php file from the command line it shows up at
>> "php" under the COMMAND column on my Mac. I'm not running this on a
>> server right now, just locally.
> Oh, Mac...
> In theory there's BSD under there somewhere, but I don't know what
> they've done to it.  I'd imagine the COMMAND column in Mac pulls from
> ps or top but it's hard to say.  You could drop to command line and
> try top/ps to at first know if the process name is being changed as
> far as the OS sees it.  Then the Mac GUI is another question :)
> H
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