[nycphp-talk] Web browser quality

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Mon May 14 11:08:44 EDT 2012

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Anthony Ferrara <ircmaxell at> wrote:
>> Thought I would chime in here. I heard that Microsoft currently has plans not to allow third party browsers in Windows 8. Meaning IE 9 only for Windows 8. This to me is yet another bone head move as IE 9 still lacks the standards that Chrome, Safari and FireFox support.
> How long do you think that would last before the DOJ gets a hold of
> that and replays 1998 all over again...?

As others noted, it's only true for Windows RT on ARM -- they are
basically saying that that is a mobile OS and so they can limit it the
way that Apple does with iOS. Of course, there are third-party
browsers (Opera mini, others?) available on iOS now, but it's not like
you can make anything other than Mobile Safari the default browser.

Daring Fireball recently linked to an interesting tweet about the
anti-trust decision, which is that they were careful to word it so
that it only applies to Intel-compatible PC operating systems. Since
ARM is not Intel-compatible, the restrictions may not apply.

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