[nycphp-talk] BDD: Behat, Codeception...

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Fri Nov 9 19:14:57 EST 2012

I haven't checked out Codeception too much and I haven't fully incorporated
any BDD in php.  But I am very interested in BDD in general.  I think the
Gherkin DSL is nice because it lets project managers or other people that
might be helping to write specs get involved in the tests without needing
to know php (  I think
the "magic" of it is pretty light.  You still end up writing everything in

I've seen people chatter on github and irc about integrating behat with
lithium -- seemed that they didn't even need to write a plugin for it.

In general though, I've struggled with whether or not to integrate a BDD
framework in php.  We do a lot in javascript, so it seems to make more
sense to drive our bdd tests from the browser using testacular ( and jasmine (  And leave the php testing to be unit
and integration tests (which are provided out of the box with lithium).


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Yitzchak Schaffer <
yitzchak.schaffer at> wrote:

> So, BDD: I see there's Behat and Cucumber for PHP, which are similar
> inasmuch as they use a DSL. There's also Codeception.
> I personally have a guttural aversion to the magic DSL style of testing,
> so Codeception looks especially enticing; but I assume that Behat has
> better community adoption, given the crossover effect from Cucumber, and
> the fact that it was adopted by the symfony community.
> My shop is using Lithium for framework, and I'm wanting to write a BDD
> plugin using one of these libraries. Any thoughts? General discussion of
> BDD in PHP also welcome.
> --
> YS
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